Choir Director

Choir Director
Dr. William E. (Bill) Miles

Bill holds a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Colorado at Boulder (1975), a Master

of Arts, Preliminary (1982) from LaTrobe University majoring in music composition and analysis,

and a PhD in Music Education (2006) from Monash University, where he was a lecturer and teaching

fellow from 1997-99.

He has lectured at Melbourne, Monash and RMIT Universities and the

Australian Catholic University (ACU). From 1998-2004 Bill developed and lectured a unit in

multimedia and new media production for Monash’s Faculty of Information Technology at Monash–

Clayton. At RMIT University (2000-04) Bill was Acting Program Director of the Bachelor of Music

Industry Studies, the Graduate Certificate & Graduate Diploma of Visual and Performing Arts and

the GradCert, GradDip and Master of Arts Administration courses and lectured units within each of

those programs.

At the Australian Catholic University – Melbourne (2007-15) he was the lecturer-in-

charge of the Graduate Diploma in Education (Music) and Master of Teaching–Secondary (Music)

courses and from 2012-18 he lectured in music pedagogy at the Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music,

Monash University.
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