For your diary
Special Rehearsal Tuesday 10 October
A reminder that Emma will be directing the next reahearsal while Bill is away on assessor duties. We'll be continuing with three new songs we've started in Term 4 (Get By With a Little Help From My Friends, Up Where We Belong and Love Conquers Everything).
Open Mic, after the break, Tuesday 5 December
All star cast
By popular demand, we will complete the last rehearsal for the year with drinks and snacks to accompany an Open Mic session, where anyone is welcome to present an item of a musical nature. In the past we have had guitar duets, chorus lines, Beatles quartets, and one harrowing rendition of Darling Go Home by a suite of performers including a corpse (fortunately, only a tenor). And some, well, songs.
Over-rehearsal or excessive standards are not encouraged, but chat up your friends to make sure you have time to pull something together for the night. Fun guaranteed to see us out for the year before Dendy Park.
Bayside Carols, Tuesday 12 December
Dendy Park East Brighton
Please return any previous Christmas music at rehearsal this week
Remember to keep Saturday mornings free on Nov 25, 2 Dec 2 and 9 Dec, and Sun 10 December (evening). for the final rehearsal.
Mayflower Ukulele Concert, Thursday 23 November
2.00pm Mayflower, Centre Road Brighton
Fill in Pat’s sheet on the table at rehearsals to join in.
Festival of Voices, Hobart, 2024
28 June – 7 July 2024
Planning has begun for this exciting trip in late June/July 2024. We are also talking to the Cadence choir for possible collaboration. More details soon.
Please put your name on the sheet at rehearsal this week to express your initial interest .
Tue Oct 3 |
Start of Term 4 |
Thur Nov 23 |
Mayflower Ukulele Concert Brighton |
Sat Nov 25 |
Carols rehearsal 1 |
Sat Dec 2 |
Carols rehearsal 2 |
Tue Dec 5 |
Last session Term 4 |
Sat Dec 9 |
Carols rehearsal 3 |
Sun Dec 10 |
Final Carols rehearsal |
Tue Dec 12 |
Bayside Carols Dendy Park |
Choir news and reports
New practice tracks

Emma has provided all parts for two new songs in the Song Library (go to Members/Members options/Song libarary) :
- Get By With a Little Help From My Friends
- Up Where We Belong.
If you have difficulties accessing any or all of the audio files on the website and would like copies on a USB memory stick, or on a CD, or emailed to you, talk to Clint.
Not to mention …
Here are classic originals of the two songs:
Here's a choral version of Up Where We Belong, sounds similar, but unfortunately the choir is menless :-(
And also getting by with a little help in a Netherlands pop-up. Nice hall.
Report: Winter Concert, September 2

Rob's videos of most of the concert songs arev now available at — or click ENJOY OUR MUSIC? at the bottom left of the VW Home Page.
The first concert at our home ground was a great success, with a total attendance of around 250, spilling out the back door – we ran out of chairs! There were lots of compliments about the quality of our singing and the range and variety of the repertoire. People enjoyed Bill's informative intros to the items, and loved Emma's performances. There is no doubt that our grand piano is now properly launched.
People stayed on chatting over the terrific afternoon tea, which was up to the task of feeding big numbers. Some suggestions we picked up for next time included having some songs with movements to add a bit of oomph, making the programme shorter (keep it to an hour), and having the afternoon tea in the room next door (more realxing, more space for chairs). Our sound system may need some upgrading for indoor performances..
While the concert is partly by the choir for the choir, with many friends and family getting to hear what the fuss on Tuesdays is all about, it seems likely that the extra numbers included more locals who heard about the concert and came along. It may be becoming a real Beaumaris community event – people might need to book next year. :-)
Several members contributed a serious amount of their time to make it a great day for the choir, so our thanks to all. Not to mention all the hard work by everyone practising and singing in the shower.
Report: Connor’s Run 10 September

The annual concert may be a hard act to follow, but about 20 hard core VW choristers, an energetic musical director, and a well rugged-up accompanist braved the traditional biting chill at Connor's Run to sing for the runners. To judge by the great smiles and high fives and slowing to listen, it was well worth it. Always is. Local member Zoe Daniel of grand piano fame waved her thanks as she ran past, too.
Rob's heart-warming video of collected cold choristers is available on the VW YouTube channel at
Music links
Choir of Fun Concert, Sunday 22 Oct 2023

Street Requiem on the Ridge 21 October
Street Requiem was composed specifically for community choirs. We heard about this wonderful project too late to be involved collectively as a choir, but individual members may be interested to follow up. Full details on the website, There may be options for our involvement as a choir next year.

Choir Central
Choir Central provides free online listings of all things choral, including upcoming performances everywhere. So we'll register and add our information. Would anyone with a flair for publicity and promotion like to take on some light duties like these, spreading the word?
